Friday, November 28, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude

Today I am grateful for Life ! The miracle of waking up to see another day is a wondrous happening.
I woke up early this morning ,had my coffee ,took my meds and started baking.Two pumpkin pies are baking as I write this and the smell is almost intoxicating.I have more to do and I am sure I will over do it.My back and neck are starting to hurt.Just for today they will not impede my day.
I am making a small turkey with all the fixings tomorrow.It will be a very small affair for my mom,Dale and his dad and myself.I am grateful that I can do this.Despite the pain.
Having and attitude of gratitude often makes my day go smoothly.Don't get me wrong I am not always a "happy camper" but I do try to stay positive.
My attitude can make me or break me.That decision is totally up to me.It's called free will.I can choose to be miserable even when the most beautiful things are happening or I can choose to find the miracle that exist in my life that day.I believe in miracles.I believe that God in heaven gives me something special everyday.What I choose to do with it is up to me.That's free will baby !
Today I live,I breathe,I laugh,I try to dance,I bake ,I smile ..I have loving,caring people in my life .See that -six miracles right there and that's just the beginning.
Pulmonary Hypertension has played a major role in this attitude.I used to take things for granted.Not anymore.PH keeps things in perspective.It is a constant reminder of how to take care of myself or when I have over done it. So as hard as this illness is at times-it gives me the attitude of gratitude.
Peace be with you today and always


Nancy said...

I completely agree with you that a positive attitude can make a HUGE difference.

Your Thanksgiving meal sounds wonderful. I hope you enjoyed your day and didn't overdo it too much.

Annette said...

Di, I just recently found your blog via Nancy's blog. Wow! What an amazing post! Thank you so very, very much for sharing!
A phriend.