Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Awareness Rocks

PH Awareness Rocks !!!

I have been up since 6am .I woke up thinking about the different things my support group and I want to accomplish this month.We have a full plate and if we are able to do it all ( and we will),it will be totally awesome.

There really isn't too much else going on with me right now.All is quiet on the eastern front.That is how I like it. I am busy doing PH stuff and beading ,beading, beading.My PH hasn't been bothering me.Thank God ,everyday I thank God. It's still early so lets see what this day brings.I may even post again later.


Nancy said...

I can't wait to see what you have planned for your group.

Enjoy your day

Merle said...

Hey Diane -- I am also anxious to see what you have planned... you have mentioned some but I have PH and am having one of those moments *;*
Keep busy and stay out of trouble...

Hugs to you,
And smile, it's contagious